OUTSIDE Collaborative Work Groups

The purpose of the OUTSIDE Sustainable Landscape Collaborative is to increase the adoption of the sustainable landscape practices in Florida.

We call it a Collaborative because the purpose and the work is shared by all of us who care to see this change happen now. One way you can contribute is to volunteer on one of the OUTSIDE Collaborative Work Groups. These are small groups of 8-12 members who will share their time and expertise to work on specific projects and initiatives. Once formed, each work group will determine how they want to collaborate and how often they will meet. A typical commitment may be 1-2 hours of time per month for 4-6 months depending on the project.

There are currently six different collaborative work groups, and you are welcome to apply for as many as you feel resonate with you. There is limited space on each collaborative work group and applications will be reviewed by the Steering Committee. New collaborative work groups will be formed as needed in the future around new goals and initiatives.

Homeowner Education Materials
The purpose of this group is to develop educational material for homeowners on the Why, What and How of residential sustainable landscapes. In addition the group may work on developing sales and marketing materials and training resources for homebuilders and their sales teams.

Regional Plant Lists
The purpose of this group is to produce recommended plant lists by region based on hardiness zone and ecotype. These plant lists will help developers and municipalities create regional plant pallets of native and Florida friendly plants that are proven, well adapted to the area and commercially available.

Pattern Book
The purpose of this group is to continue the work begun with the first edition of the OUTSIDE Collaborative New Yard Pattern Book. The group will expand the scope of the pattern book by addressing other areas of the landscape beyond the residential lot and work to promote and disseminate this resource throughout the industry.

Maintenance Video Series
The purpose of this group is to produce sustainable landscape maintenance training videos. Group will help define training topics and video content as well as help produce, translate and distribute the video series.

Sustainable Landscape Code
The purpose of this group is to develop recommended best practices for sustainable landscape codes and ordinances. This group will also help develop an educational program targeting local elected officials.

Existing Landscapes Retrofits
The purpose of this group is to develop strategies and best practices to gradually retro-fit existing Master Plan Communities, Towncenter, and Campus landscapes.

OUTSIDE Collab Work Groups
Please select all Outside Collab Work Teams you would be interested in joining: