Video Series: Landscape Maintenance Practices
This is an OUTSIDE Collaborative open source resource to help train on sustainable landscape maintenance best practices. The management and maintenance of native plants and sustainable landscapes is often significantly different than the management and maintenance of conventional landscapes. Growing industry core competencies in sustainable landscape maintenance was identified by the OUTSIDE Sustainable Landscape Collaborative as a strategic goal critical for making a successful transition towards a more sustainable landscaping paradigm in Florida.
The video format was selected to encourage at-home and in-field training of landscape maintenance professionals and homeowners involved in the maintenance of sustainable landscapes in Florida. The videos demonstrate proper techniques and tools for specific tasks while imparting basic ecological and horticultural principles essential for success in maintaining native plants and sustainable landscape systems.
This video series will be a dynamic and living library of video training resources curated by the OUTSIDE Collaborative. This initial set focuses on landscape maintenance practices.
Video 1 – Native Plant Conversation
This video introduces the native plant maintenance training. The purpose of this educational video series is to help retrain conventional landscapers for native plants.
Video 2 – Spring Cut Back
Here we demonstrate and explain the importance of cutting back grasses and how it simulates wildfires in a natural landscape.
Video 3 – Identifying Re-emergence and Spreading
This video goes into the importance of knowing which plants are allowed in the landscape In order to manage re-emergence.
Video 4 – Irrigation for Natives
After establishment, native plants often require less water than other ornamental plants. It is important to learn the landscape so that we can conserve water and not overwater.
Video 5 – Edging Groundcovers
This video explains some of the techniques necessary for edging native ground covers.
Video 6 – Mowing Alternative Groundcovers
This video goes over different mowing schedules and techniques for different ground covers.
Video 7 – Mowing Tickseed (Coreopsis sp.)
This video delves into the proper maintenance for coreopsis weeds.
Video 8 – Internodal Pruning
Learn how to prune back at the internodes to help encourage more growth or keep a plant more compact, and full of foliage.
Video 9 – Darrow’s Blueberry Soil pH
This video delves into the importance of and techniques for monitoring the soil pH for healthy blueberries.
Video 10 -Deadheading Herbaceous Perennials and Wildflowers
Learn the proper time for removing spent flowers (deadheading) based on the desired output of your flowering plants.
Video 11 – Mulching
This video delves into the importance of mulching for methods such as weed suppression and moisture retention.
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