VIDEO: The Edge at Cherrylake
What if we could change the traditional landscape by creating beautiful landscapes that require minimal water and maintenance, as well as increasing the biodiversity in the area? Cherrylake’s goal is to provide a solution to that question. For their current project, The Edge, Cherrylake is partnering with OUTSIDE Collab to gain support and knowledge from universities, legislative leaders, home gardeners, and Florida native and Florida friendly plant specialists to create an edge along the perimeter of their farm. The Edge strives to attract pollinators and birds using Florida Native and Florida friendly plants. When considering the plants for this project they wanted to incorporate plants that would rotate in their blooming seasons so there would be food and flowers year-round.
The Edge is an experimental project, and Cherrylake plans on expanding the project once they begin to see how the ecosystem interacts. There is a possibility some plants might be more aggressive, taking over The Edge, proving another plant might be better suited to grow in that environment. The implications of The Edge could revolutionize the way we think about our landscapes.
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