OUTSIDE 2023 Post Event Survey

OUTSIDE 2023 Post Event Survey

How likely are you to recommend OUTSIDE Collaborative to a friend or colleague?
Please rate your overall satisfaction of the following...
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
Did not attend
Day 1 Tours
Day 1 After Hours at Boxi Park
Day 2 Panel Discussions
Day 2 Keynote Speaker
Overall organization and event management
Please rate the degree to which today's session encouraged you to contribute to sustainable development and/or landscaping efforts.
Please rate the degree to which the event increased your knowledge of sustainable landscape approaches, i.e. compost amendments, native plant materials, and reduced irrigation.
As a result of the event, please select the landscaping installation practices you would be willing to adopt. Select all that apply.
I am seeking credits for Certified Floodplain Managers

Floodplain manager CEU Questions

The presenters were knowledgeable about the topic.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Did Not Attend
Session 1: Living Laboratories
Session 2: Collaborating Organizations
Session 3: Exploring Pattern Books
Session 4: Keynote with Dan Egan
Session 5: Sharing Perspectives Public Sector
Session 6: Sharing Perspectives Private Sector
The presenters delivered their material well.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Did Not Attend
Residential Landscapes & The Land Development Process Panel
“Living Laboratory” Research Projects at Sunbridge Panel
Sustainable Landscaping Design Pattern Book Panel
Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Practices Panel
Keynote Speaker Thomas Rainer
OUTSIDE Collab 2023 better prepared me to do my job or perform my role:
This is required for those seeking Certified Floodplain Manager CEU's.
This survey will remain anonymous unless you would like to share your name.