January 2022

Residential Native & Florida Friendly Landscapes at the Villages OUTSIDE Collab 2021

From milkweed for monarchs to bee boxes, OUTSIDE Collab shares an inside look at residential native plant landscapes at The Villages. Join Mark Russell, Leader of Sustainability at Cherrylake, and Steve Turnipseed, Senior Consultant at Making Value Flow, as they take us on a tour of the neighborhood.
December 2021

OUTSIDE 2021: Panel discussion

A panel of 4 leading developers share their perspectives on sustainable landscapes and sustainable development. They discuss the obstacles and objections regarding the implementation of sustainable landscapes, the potential benefits and values for the state, economy, and real estate industry, and the key metrics, incentives, or financial drivers which would have the greatest impact on shifting developer behavior.
November 2021

OUTSIDE Collab 2021: Doug Tallamy Keynote

Doug is the T. A. Baker Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, where he has authored 104 research publications and has taught insect-related courses for over 40 years. Chief among his research goals is to better understand the many ways insects interact with plants and how such interactions determine the diversity of animal communities. Doug has authored numerous books including the New York Times Best Seller, Nature’s Best Hope.
October 2021

VIDEO: The Edge at Cherrylake

What if we could change the traditional landscape by creating beautiful landscapes that require minimal water and maintenance, as well as increasing the biodiversity in the area? Cherrylake’s goal is to provide a solution to that question. For their current project, The Edge, Cherrylake is partnering with OUTSIDE Collab to gain support and knowledge from universities, legislative leaders, home gardeners, and Florida native and Florida friendly plant specialists to create an edge along the perimeter of their farm.
September 2021

Stewarding Preserved Natural and Mitigation Lands Within Developed Areas

While in the midst of another development boom, now is a good time to think proactively about long-term stewardship of common areas preserved to meet current local, state, and federal stormwater, land development, and environmental regulations.
August 2021

Green Isle Gardens

Here I am, sitting on my back patio enjoying a cool refreshment after a long, hot day in Florida’s early September sun. As I sit here, I can’t help but notice all of the fluttering in my backyard plantings. There is so much life: zebra longwings and zebra swallowtails, monarchs, Gulf fritillaries, and a few Sulphurs too.
July 2021

OUTSIDE 2021 Tour Series: University of North Florida

The pristine biodiversity of the University of North Florida’s (UNF) outer natural areas, together with the positive development of the more designed inner campus gardens, benefit all: students, faculty, staff, and the general public. Because of UNF, the environment is also benefiting through the conservation of natural systems and by the educational aspect of the inner campus built gardens.
June 2021

Biodiversity as a Guidepost for Outdoor Development

When thinking about what we need to do to address the global biodiversity crisis, chances are the urban landscape is not the first thing that comes to mind. The best way to slowdown species loss is to protect natural areas. In fact, all the bold, ambitious plans to address biodiversity loss propose setting aside and managing large tracts of natural land where species can continue to thrive.